Wednesday, November 11, 2015

How Do We Treat Our Guests?

Any club member can do a great service for membership development in her or his club by focusing on how they treat guests at their club meetings. Remember, they are not only visitors, but potential new members as well. They are going to form a first impression of your club no matter what:

  • Their eyes will see your meeting room and everything in it … what will they see?
  • Their ears will hear what is (or is not) said to them, and what is (or is not) said to others, before and during the meeting … what will they hear?
  • Their hand will (or will not) shake the hands of members and other guests …who will they meet?
  • Their mouth will (or will not) speak to members and others in the room … who will they talk to?
Any member can have a tremendous positive impact on a guest's first impression by treating them like the special people they are. You should show them how glad you are that they came, and express that to them. You should be interested in learning more about them: their name, vocation, do they have a family, how long have they been in the area, etc.

How do you feel when you walk into a room full of strangers, and few people even acknowledge that you are present? Has that ever happened? It happens all too often. When it does, we miss a great opportunity.

Alternately, how do you feel when entering the same room and people approach you with a smile on their faces, and their hand outstretched, letting you know how glad they are that you could take some time out of your day to come and visit. How would it make you feel to be invited to sit with them at their table? 

Remember, we don't get a second chance at first impressions. By going out of your way to give your guests special treatment, you will expand your own circle of friends, make someone else's day, and perhaps, just perhaps, help your club build its membership!

That's All!

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